Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 9, 2015

:: you're kidding ::


so aku ni bukan lah queen control, i just know what i want. especially bab makan, mungkin sbb aku ni di kategori kan sebagai org yang pandai makan. 

so selalunya bab makan ni mmg Mr K xcampur dia ikut je. kalau makan kat luar aku yg pilih tempat, dia bawakkan aje. kalau masak kat rumah dia makan aje.

tapi kan sebagai seorang perempuan and isteri, its nice to have your man to once in a while cakap, "xpe sayang, biar i pilih tempat nak makan malam ni" or "i know you nak apa for breakfast"

so kejadian nya ialah, Mr K tanya nak beli apa for breakfast and i said, "tah, xtau nak makan apa" so he went out. bila balik dia pegang beg plastik. rasa cam happy jugak lah sebab ye la selalu aku je nak kena decide nak makan apa, nak makan kat mana and stuff. apa salahnya once in a while kita cakap, "suprise me" kan?

mmg suprise pun sebab dia bawak balik roti krim! not one pack, but 2! TWO FREAKING ROTI KRIM! for someone who always yaps about just how much he knows me; he obviously doesnt know me at all. i dont take light breakfast, hun. not for breakfast, not for lunch, not even for dinner. if its not nasi lemak, at least roti sardin. paling koman pun roti kosong. but roti krim...thats like kim slapping me with her giant ass. 

so i believe there's a moral of the story somewhere behind this story: men doesnt know a damn thing. or maybe i have spoiled him too much that he doesnt know how to be independent anymore...?



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