Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

i've had better days than this.... *snoozeface


so it's official. 10 Dec 2014 is definitely not my day. eventho it has only been half a day, i strongly believe nothing that will happen from now until 12 midnite that will change my mood. well, maybe if Lah ask me our for some chatime hmmm a girl could dream kan?

it started like any other day. i woke up. mandi. amik air segelas, makan ubat. roll deodorant kat ketiak. tepek air tawas kat muka. gosok baju, then put them on. kejutkan anak2...oh wait, pagi ni Jasmin woke up by herself xpayah kejut. kejutkan si montel yang langsung taknak bekerjasama bangun je bila orang kejut. sent them off to MIL's then off to Klinik Desa Merbau Sempak sebab ada appt (yang ni tak termasuk dalam rutin harian)

arrived at the clinic at 8.45am, dah amik nombor so tunggu la giliran. what do you know, by 11 freaking a.m baru nombor aku timbul! dah la klinik desa tak bagi MC slip, cuma bagi timeslip. dapat pulak aku ni keje kat company yang cuma terima 2 jam timeslip. so kira la berapa lama aku duduk kat kerusi yang sama sementara tunggu nombor aku dipanggil. WHAT . THE . FUCK. nak tau sistem klinik ni berfungsi macam mana hari ni? meh akak cerita step by step. memula dia akan kumpul buku dalam bakul yang disediakan then dia akan amik buku yang bawah sekali (means orang tu sampai dulu. xpe standard practice. memang la itu tujuan numbering system kan. sapa cepat dia dulu) then dia akan cari buku merah 2. lepas dah cari buku merah 2 (buku merah ada 2, 1 patient simpan 1 lagi klinik simpan) dia akan panggil nama or nombor kita then dia akan check BP. lepas check BP dia suruh kita kencing dalam botol. lepas tu dia akan amik darah kita, nak check HB dalam darah. lepas dah check dia ajak masuk bilik rawatan, dia akan check jantung baby and also dia ukur perut kita. lepas tu dia akan note down dalam buku merah pastu dia kata, 'ok, tunggu kat luar jap lagi kena jumpa doktor' so bayangkan nurse ada 3, patient ada berpuluh and dia akan ulang proses tu sampai la pukul 11 bila nama Wan Zailin di panggil. kakak nurses, kalau macam ni memang la sampai pukul 5 belum tentu habis. kata nurse kat malaysia ni dah berlambak. so kenapa kat klinik ni nurse xcukup? ok fine la, aku dengan berat hati terpaksa la whatsapp boss cakap, 'sorry. there's no way i can finish this all in 2 hours. guess i'm just gonna have to take half day unpaid leave' to which my boss replied, 'yes, guess so' ok settled bab tu. lepas dah go thru process di atas sampai la kena jumpa doktor. bila masuk tetiba doktor kata, 'Puan, siapa yang review BSP reading you? klinik sini ke O&G, HSB?' 'well, docs at O&G, HSB sebab check up kat sana all this while' according to her, my morning BSP reading should be below 5.3, not more and in my book my morning BSP reading are above 5.3. then she said, 'i have to refer you to emergency wad bersalin so they can take it from there' masa tu muka aku mmg dah tak boleh blah dah. 1st of all, all the docs kat O&G, HSB are supposedly DOKTOR PAKAR. as DOKTOR PAKAR, everytime i came for my follow up, when you go thru my BSP reading shouldnt you have said something there and then? 'eh, Puan. morning BSP reading you tinggi la. i xkan tahan you di wad but i hope your next follow up, reading you akan turun. sebab untuk ibu mengandung, morning BSP reading kena kurang dari 5.3' there, how hard was that? kalau one of you supposedly DOKTOR PAKAR have said this to me earlier, dont you think i would have a better control of my diet so my morning BSP reading will be less than 5.3? anyway one of you supposedly DOKTOR PAKAR which i remember vividly, the same doctor who admit me for my thyroid is the one who advised and wrote in my buku merah morning BSP reading should be below 5.6. so sapa yang spent 5 years or more studying meds so she can give me wrong instruction. ok back to doktor kat klinik desa ni, she said sorry no choice i have to write you a RL. i was already holding back my anger, frustation and most importanly my tears as i said to her, 'so i'm supposed to go after this?' to whuch she replied, 'yes' i let out a heavy sigh and said, 'i have a job you know, which i'm already late to.and i very much like to keep my job. you dont understand.' to which she repeat the same thing, 'im sorry, but this is more important' then i started bargaining with her. i asked if it's ok if i go after work. she was reluctant i can tell, but she said as long as i go then should be ok. so i asked her what's gonna happen there; will they admit me again? somehow she doesnt have the answer to that *eyes rolling furiously so i took my book and the RL and said thank you eventho i didnt mean it. i wanted to scream offensive words to her but then again my momma tot me better than that. as i walked away, i took out my handphone and dialed Mr K's number. of course he doesnt answer his damn phone. one of this day, Mr K if something real bad happen to me and you dont answer you g'damn phone, i will hunt you down like how maya karin did in puntianak harum sundal malam. in another word, i will make it hell for you and make you regret not asnwering the damn phone! urgh, there i said it, so i called the one person who is always there for me, my mom. but then after few rings, i hung up. i didnt want to burden her with my problem. so i start the engine and drove while shouting some offensive words to all supposedly DOKTOR PAKAR who is making my life as hell right now. then mom called. i told her what happened and she told me to go to the hospital as instructed. only she can make me do things i dont want to but of course i didnt go. why should i kan? you doctors should sort your things out, not me. all this while tak cakap pape so why now?

so dah habis cerita menangis dalam kereta and dah betul2 depan segi ni. ada student tgh nak melintas jalan. sebab aku ni mmg anak bapak and seorang yang mengikut peraturan jalan raya, so aku oun slow down and stop in front of the zebra crossing utk bagi laluan pada student yang nak jalan tu la. then tetiba lori bodoh kat belakang aku hon kuat2. i was like what the hell? zebra crossing kot. pastu dia tak puas hati jugak dia hon lagi. dah la aku ni tgh bengang tetiba fucker ni hon xhabis2. tapi xpe dia bukan orang berpelajaran nak2 bangsa kau ni memang xde adab di jalan raya so aku pun buat xtau la.

so there you go. itu pagi je, donno what other interesting things might happen today. and yes, i still havent decide whether i want to go to the hospital or not. Jasmin did asked me to stay at home today. maybe i should have just said yes, sigh.

tq for reading this entry. i just tot since i am not planning to answer anyone's call or sms / whatsapp today, you could just read about it in my blog.


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