Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, January 10, 2014

what's your excuse?


some of you might think i created this blog as a place to vent out my anger, frustration and a place for me to complain, complain and more complain. well yes, that was how i first started this blog. i had so much anger in me ( i still do) i need a place to just go, be myself and talk crap for hours and not caring a thing of what people said.

well, now that i am older ehem and wiser double ehem, i decided this blog to be a place to reminds me of wonderful things in life. don't get me wrong, i will still vent out my frustrations here, but i will try to reduce it as much ok, i promise you this.

anyway, i have been following Maria Kang for a while on FB, tho her fitness is somehow an inspiration to me, but i also came across this photo on FB:

that's Maria Kang on the left. yes, its amazing to have three kids and that hot bods to brag around. but somehow, it was probably her good genes that was helping keep her in shape. don't get me wrong, it think she kicks ass! but at the same time, most of us are the one on the right. 

over time, we women tends to let go of ourselves. to us, ala apa nak kisah, im married with kids. im save for life. my husband will not cheat on me. i took care of his food, his clothes, managed the kids by my own, i even managed to double his income even tho i'm a SAHM. that's short for stay at home mom, fyi.

anyway, for my case, as long as my husband is ok with my appearances, i shall remain me. we do talk a lot about this, this may surprise some of you. we talk about this as much as we fight :)

but but, it is important to stay in shape and be healthy. as long as you think a bit chubby is healthy then you are doing just fine. always love your body and maintain a good health. cos you want to be old, watch your kids leaving the nest, leave a mark on this world, settle down and reproduce. i know i want this.

but for now, mini me & 2.0 can just stop growing so fast!! i want my babies to stay just the way they are right now T_T ok dah habis meroyan


Tuesday, January 7, 2014



so Dahlia's birthday is coming up, its on the 3 of february 2014 where she will turn the big 1 *insert bunyi mercun and marching song and yes, you are welcome *sinis

anyway, since her birthday falls on Monday, decided to celebrate a day early which is 2feb Sunday. i just found out last week that the whole (maybe half, i dont know) sharifahs and syeds are travelling south this CNY

T_T why oh why? hehe sorry emo sikit, jangan marah naa

anyway, theres a wedding there and everyone i know is going so the birthday party has taken a turn for the worst cos i no longer feels the need to celebrate big. by big i mean with everyone we know. but since i gave Jasmin (well, we gave) her 1st bday party, it is only fair for Dahlia to have the same celebration...no?

anyway, the next nearest date is 8th feb which i might be working, thanks boss *insert thumbs up

we'll see how, but definitely not everyone is invited. only family and close friends. maybe only family. maybe with close friends. maybe no party. oh, i dont know.