Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

my angels :)

jasmin & dahlia

how cute is this? 

kisah itu dahlia

i know it's been 23 days since, but what the heck

introducing my 2nd angel, Puteri Aamirah Dahlia Binti Khairulanwar, born on 03.02.2013 at 15:25, weighing at 3.19kg with 10 cute fingers and 10 even adorable toes :)

this is her 1st photo, it was taken curi2 by Mr K right after beliau iqamatkan baby

so the story is, i woke up in the morning dengan slight sakit perut, lingered around the house 1st, making sure it was contractions. after a few confirmed contractions went in the room and let Mr K knows and bersiap lah kami ke HSB. mujurlah kami di gombak, so tinggalkan jasmin dengan parents, rasa sangat sedih nak tinggalkan jasmin sebab by the look on her face, you can tell that she knows that day is the day her sister is coming to the this world (reads: beliau agak cranky)

so both me and Mr K pun bertolak la ke HSB, disebabkan minggu sebelum itu adalah Thaipusam and minggu itu sendiri ada sambutan Ponggal, maka kami pun tidaklah menggunakan MRR2 utk ke HSB sebaliknya kami menggunakan DUKE. 

so we arrived kat Wad Bersalin, HSB dalam pkl 11, since this is my 2nd time so tau la more or less apa nak kena cakap and buat, so i register while waiting for Mr K to come and sign a few of the documents, sempat lah borak2 dengan misi kat kaunter tu. now this is off topics but in my 2 kali bersalin kat HSB, misi2 yang ada bertugas whether kat wad bersalin or kat wad itself memang sangat baik, peramah and they really took care of you so i really don't know kenapa ramai yang komplen kata servis kat sana xbagus and so on

ok, sambung balik. so after register, masuklah saya ke dalam untuk pemeriksaan lanjut (cewah!) by then contractions pun dah semakin kuat jugak, doc cakap bukaan dah 3cm so kena tunggu bukaan besar sikit sebelum boleh masuk labor room, so for the time being duduk la diam2 kat ruang menunggu together with other expecting moms yang juga sedang menunggu kat dalam. masa menunggu tu i remember feeling soo sleepy, so in between contractions tu sempat la lelapkan mata, selamba je angkat dua2 kaki letak atas kerusi and doozed off ye la dah la kena tunggu, kena tahan contractions lagi dah tu nak buat apa? tidur la dah alang2 mata mengantuk kan? hehe sambil2 tu sempat lagi berBBM dengan non, eqa & rina :) 

(ok, this part agak gross sikit sebab scene atas jamban, so sapa yang rasa loya tu boleh la skip this part aite? :))
by 3 o'clock ada rasa tak selesa yang amat sangat macam nak kencing so i went to the toilet and kencing tapi lepas kencing tu tak bangun lagi dari jamban, i have this feeling macam nak keluarkan something else, actually the feeling is indescribable macam u knew something is coming out but u're not sure apa, emmm paham x jalan cerita ni? so i waited a bit longer dalam toilet tu and i gave a small push and heard a 'plup' sound and said to myself, i think my water just broke. yes people i finally get to say that! yeay me! and being gatal me, i seluk my hand down there and i actually felt my crowning glory opened! gross, i know but i had to. imagine bunga yang kuncup then kembang, itulah situasi yang dialami at that particular moment. and the moment i felt the opening, terus ada satu perasaan nak teran yang sangat kuat, like you want to push the baby out time tu jugak which i tahan. so i got out of the toilet and waved at one of the misi and cakap dengan dia. she asked me to lie down on one of the bed and she gave out a litlle squeals. dia kata dah fully dilate and cepat2 dia sorong katil tu ke labor room. and on my way to the labor room which is just 3 doors away dari bilik tu, lalu la di hadapan beberapa misi and doc, a few of them commented something like, eh kenapa puan ni tak panic pun (cos they heard misi yang tolak tu kept saying dah fully dilate) and the reason i tak panic was cos i tengah tahan myself from teran cos this time around, nak sangat Mr K dapat masuk labor room so sebab tu la nampak cam kuat je minah ni walaupun sebenarnya dah panik jugak hewhewhew

so masuk labor room, ramai pulak penonton kali ni, i think about 7 nurses yang ada kat dalam bilik tu, masa jasmin dulu 3 orang je kot. ni siap ada doc intern lagi, siap mintak permission nak stay dalam LR nak tengok, since both of them are girls, so i let them stay la, baik kan kasi intern docs peluang tengok? so lepas dah siap2 tukar baju atas katil bagai, one of the misi cakap, ok puan dah boleh teran dah to which i reply, xpe saya nak tunggu husband saya masuk (oh, masa dalam commotion tengah sebuk2 tukar baju sempat cakap kat one of the nurses to call Mr K masuk) so semua pun menunggu la kehadiran YB Mr K, time tu dah 2x rasa nak teran tapi masih bisa tahan lagi, by 3rd memang dah xboleh tahan i told one of the nurses on my right yang i cannot tahan so dia kata ok, puan dah boleh start teran.

so dengan bismilahirrahmanirrahim, i pun start teran and voila, masuk la Mr K dalam LR like a knight in shining armor (well, it felt like that at that time ;p sebab lega dia masuk jugak) so 3 kali push and out she came to this world, alhamdulillah :) but sama macam jasmin, i did not get to hold her sebab baby dah berak dalam perut. 

maka, dengan berakhirnya cerita ini, bermulalah episod baru saya yang bergelar mother of two ni.

sekian. hope the story did not gross you out ;p