Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

everyone is entitled to their own opinion, it's just yours is stupid.

too many things happening in one day, too much too handle, too much to take in.

i have learned a very valuable lesson this past few days; and that is,

"life is short, don't waste time worrying about what people think of you. hold on to the ones that care, in the end they will be the only ones there"

so here's hoping that everything will return back to its normal self, and everyone just gets along really really well.

the best way out is always through

Monday, November 28, 2011

woke up with a headache

had an awesome yet tiring weekends. woke up early on saturday, get jasmin's stuff ready, bath her, fed her and put her to sleep, all before 8am! yes, that early. then it's me time. had a long cold shower, took my time to decide on what clothes to wear; as usual black top & jeans hehe
then by 9am, received a text from SIL then we are off to Kay-Ell y'all!

we parked at DBKL and walked all the way to jalan tar. first stop: jakel. now, i am not the type to ever shop for kain, never. i don't usually buy kain to make baju. kalau beli pun beli kain siap potong yang orang jual. paling awesome pun, beli kain plain chiffon (kot) kat nagoya, RM5 semeter. and last saturday memang rambang mata la orang cakap, cos jakel was having sale and the kain banyak yang cantik2. since my two SILs are the bridesmaids, so kami tak beli la kain sama. i think by far, i don't mean to brag, i picked the most awesomest, prettiest kain ever! haha macam dah tak sabar nak tunggu SIL jahit and pakai on the wedding day :) i was the first to choose kain, then it was ende's turn, haha lama jugak la sebab ende pun macam rambang mata jugak. after ende's done with her choice, we went one floor up and it was MIL's turn.

agak lama jugak la MIL pilih kain hehe she finally decided on her kain, it was very shweet, me likey! the the two SILs punya turn. they chosed a pink plain satin. when it was paying time, SIL (the one getting married) insisted on paying for my kain. tengs sis, may Allah bless you :) done with the kain, then off to sogo

ingatkan dah alang2 ada kat jalan tar bole la singgah muaz beli tudung tapi xsempat :( takde rezeki la tu, takpe takpe next time, dengan zara la, ok tak zara? weee~
so sampai je sogo, naik food court dulu makan cos me & mr.k tak breakfast lagi. tapi i ended up eating alone cos ulser mr.k tak baik lagi. oh, jasmin makan tauhu cina with sup, pandai anak mami makan :)

then tibalah saat2 yang ditunggu, oh my sogo punya sale memang gila! and baby's stuff i tell you.... *geleng kepala while eyes rolling let's just leave it like that :)
i bought 4 pjs for jasmin, one cute top with leggings, socks, white leggings, one small nuk bottle... emm itu je kot. SIL bought her dress for the wedding, purple headband & one baju for jalan2. so yang takde baju for the wedding cuma la mr.k je. later ok honey :)

then sunday, banyak wedding to attend. pagi bangun macam biasa siapkan barang jasmin dulu, after done with her then baru mami boleh siap. since hari masih pagi, mr.k ajak ikut kak yah & abg sean's pre-wed. so went to taman layang layang. last minute tah macam mana tah kami dah sampai genting, can't remember who suggested it. so buat pre-wed kat atas sana, tu pun next week katanya nak sambung lagi but diff location pulak. after turun genting, gi wedding and balik tukar baju then off to ende's. by the time we reached there, dah pukul 10pm. so lepak2, tanya khabar, makan2 then balik la since MIL pun tak tidur rumah ende.

and yesterday, isnin still kena bangun pagi eventho it was PH, sabar je la. pagi2 kak yah dah ketuk pintu suruh bangun, so got up and same routine; get jasmin & her stuff ready bla bla bla then me bla bla bla same old same old :) while babah, mr.k, abg sean pasang basikal kat kereta. after that, breakfast kat shareezma @ nisma. mamak amik order tu memang mintak penampar! lain kali kalau datang makan kat situ kena bawak pinggan mangkuk sendiri baru la dorang tak boleh bagi alasan mangkuk takde grrr....

after mamak tu spoiled kan pagi isnin kitorg, the off to putrajaya :) sampai je, the boys sibuk turunkan basikal and we ladies naik atas lepak kat rumah kakak. kakak masak sawi goreng udang, daging masak kicap, daging salai, kuah asam & pucuk paku masak lemak yang awesome! tengs kakak, you have always been a good hostess :)

so what i am trying to tell here, walau cuti 3 hari ke 8 hari ke, tetap kena bangun awal @_@ menci!


Friday, November 25, 2011

T.G.I.F :)

it's friday, and i'm bored to death.

yes, i have tons of paperwork to do but too lazy, of course.

blame the bossess, they're in a meeting.

so, updating blog and facebooking to the max :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

sleepyhead ~

this morning i woke up around 5-something cos i felt something landed on my bum. turns out it was jasmin @_@ hadoi, dah la mengantuk sangat malam tadi, bole la pulak jellybean bangun ajak main pagi-pagi. so nak taknak kena la layan jugak, eventho dalam layan tu sempat curi-curi tidur. sekarang ni cepat sangat lupa yang my daughter is getting bigger by day, dalam curi-curi tidur tu rupanya dia perasan, KECEPEK! kena la tepuk muka ni, ajak jugak layan dia. haha

dalam pukul 7 baru la dia nak tidur after i fed her. by then, dah kena bangun siap2 nak ke ofis. hmm hopefully malam ni dia tidur nyenyak so her mami can sleep tight hehe selfish kan? :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

jasmin & her soiming pool

wah akhirnya berjaya jugak cari ini blog. have not been updating my blog for so long that i have actually forgotten my own password and username. can you actually believe that? *eyesrolling

anyway, berkat usaha tangga kejayaan i finally cracked the code and found my way into this blog. wohoo!~ *highfive

well, yesterday was in gombak. kakak & abg umar came and they bought jasmin her first ever soiming pool wohoo!~ (btw, that's how we, the zakwan clan would call a swimming pool. y u ask? cos we're awesome like that ;p) jasmin was a bit scared at first, keep trying to come out from the pool tapi of cos mami dia paksa jugak duduk dalam pool tu hehe lama2 terus ok sampai jerit2 happy kat dalam tu, sabar je la karenah jasmin ni :)

kebetulan pulak, the day before kak yah & abg sean belikan jasmin duckies hehe tunggu mika datang nanti bole soiming sama2 ye ~

since i cannot access internet from my phone so tak bole nak upload gambar jasmin dalam pool baru, so letaklah gambar jasmin dalam pool masa di rumbia, paka.

*sabar je la perangai jasmin ni*